In July I did some painting on a live stream service with my church.

The idea behind this piece of art was to enjoy God leading and guiding as I painted. Whilst I was painting I had some words come to mind. Some of these included: Oceans, being free, dance, celebration, new lives being God’s masterpiece.

I said on the evening some words about my art. I started with purple colour and then blended into a swirl pattern. After I went in with splatters which sometimes feel scary as the unknown is there of what the creation will look like.

I went on to think about identity and freedom. Our identity in God, we can feel freedom, explore, create and not worry about what it looks like.

It’s more important to be on a journey with God, knowing He will be with us every step of the way.

I hope you have enjoyed looking and experiencing my art. Please feel free to leave comments of how this speaks to you.

D E E P Calls to Deep

I then had the privilege of my art being turned into a banner for 10 Days of Prayer and Music for Healing in Reading. I was so amazed by how it looked, I was so excited to see it in person. It was such a blessing to have my art being used in that way and to be on display for people to see. A big moment in my creative journey and what an honour for my art to be used to bring people to know Jesus. Looking back, it’s incredible how a piece of my artwork that was created on manuscript paper was chosen for Music for Healing – I love how it is all linked together!

Brig dancing in front of Reading Minster with Lucy Bunce playing harp.

For more information on 10 Days of Prayer: https://www.10daysofprayer.info/